Создание fixture#

import pytest

def topology_with_dupl_links():
    topology = {('R1', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/1'),
                ('R2', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/2'),
                ('R2', 'Eth0/1'): ('SW2', 'Eth0/11'),
                ('R3', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/3'),
                ('R3', 'Eth0/1'): ('R4', 'Eth0/0'),
                ('R3', 'Eth0/2'): ('R5', 'Eth0/0'),
                ('SW1', 'Eth0/1'): ('R1', 'Eth0/0'),
                ('SW1', 'Eth0/2'): ('R2', 'Eth0/0'),
                ('SW1', 'Eth0/3'): ('R3', 'Eth0/0')}
    return topology

def normalized_topology_example():
    normalized_topology = {('R1', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/1'),
                           ('R2', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/2'),
                           ('R2', 'Eth0/1'): ('SW2', 'Eth0/11'),
                           ('R3', 'Eth0/0'): ('SW1', 'Eth0/3'),
                           ('R3', 'Eth0/1'): ('R4', 'Eth0/0'),
                           ('R3', 'Eth0/2'): ('R5', 'Eth0/0')}
    return normalized_topology
import yaml
import pytest
from netmiko import ConnectHandler

def first_router_from_devices_yaml():
    with open('devices.yaml') as f:
        devices = yaml.safe_load(f)
        r1 = devices[0]
    return r1

def first_router_wrong_pass(first_router_from_devices_yaml):
    r1 = first_router_from_devices_yaml.copy()
    r1['password'] = 'wrong'
    return r1

def first_router_wrong_ip(first_router_from_devices_yaml):
    r1 = first_router_from_devices_yaml.copy()
    r1['ip'] = 'unreachable'
    return r1

Fixture r1_test_connection создает подключение netmiko до тестов в одном файле и закрывает его после:

def r1_test_connection(first_router_from_devices_yaml):
    with ConnectHandler(**first_router_from_devices_yaml) as r1:
        yield r1