Декоратор класса#

Регистрация классов#


def register_class(cls):
    CLASS_MAPPER_BASE[cls.device_type] = cls.__name__
    return cls

class CiscoSSH:
    device_type = 'cisco_ios'
    def __init__(self, ip, username, password):

class JuniperSSH:
    device_type = 'juniper'
    def __init__(self, ip, username, password):

Декоратор добавляет метод pprint#

from rich import print as rprint

def add_pprint(cls):
    def pprint(self, methods=False):
        methods_class_attrs = vars(type(self))
        methods = {
            name: method
            for name, method in methods_class_attrs.items()
            if not name.startswith("__") and callable(method)
        self_attrs = vars(self)
        if methods:

    cls.pprint = pprint
    return cls
class IPv4Address:
    def __init__(self, ip):
        self.ip = ip
        self._int_ip = int(ip_address(ip))

    def as_int(self):
        return self._int_ip

In [15]: ip1 = IPv4Address("")

In [16]: ip1.pprint()
{'ip': '', '_int_ip': 167837953}
    'as_int': <function IPv4Address.as_int at 0xb4235df0>,
    'pprint': <function add_pprint.<locals>.pprint at 0xb4235388>

In [17]: ip1.pprint(methods=True)
{'ip': '', '_int_ip': 167837953}
    'as_int': <function IPv4Address.as_int at 0xb4235df0>,
    'pprint': <function add_pprint.<locals>.pprint at 0xb4235388>

Применение декоратора ко всем методам класса#

def verbose(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        print(f"Вызываю {func.__name__}")
        print("Аргументы", args[1:], kwargs)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

def verbose_methods(cls):
    methods = {
        name: method
        for name, method in vars(cls).items()
        if not name.startswith("__") and callable(method)
    for name, method in methods.items():
        setattr(cls, name, verbose(method))
    return cls